Prof Gareth R. Williams
Career to date
10/2020 - :
Professor of Pharmaceutical Materials Science, UCL School of Pharmacy.
01/2020 - :
Head of Research Department of Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy
08/2019 - :
Faculty Graduate Tutor for Taught Programmes, UCL Faculty of Life Sciences
10/2018 - 09/2020:
Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy.
10/2016 - 09/2018:
Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy.
11/2012 - 09/2016:
Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy.
09/2010 - 11/2012 :
Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Science, School of Human Sciences, London Metropolitan University.
09/2009 - 09/2010:
Medical Research Council Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry and Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford.
04/2006 - 09/2009:
Science and Engineering Fast Stream Civil Servant, UK Civil Service.
10/2005 - 04/2006:
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford.
06/2003 - 03/2006:
Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford.
10/2002 - 10/2005:
D.Phil (PhD) in Inorganic Materials Chemistry, University of Oxford. Thesis title: "Cation-ordered layered double hydroxides: formation mechanisms, new materials, and intercalation chemistry".
10/1998 - 07/2002:
M.Chem. (Hons) Chemistry (1st Class), University of Oxford.
Academic and other distinctions
Nominated for exceptional feedback, excellent personal tutoring and active student partnerships awards in the UCL Student Choice Teaching Awards.
Part of team awarded the UCL Rosetrees Stoneygate Prize.
Made Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Admitted as Fellow of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Nominated for brilliant research based education, exceptional feedback and excellent personal tutoring awards in the UCL Student Choice Teaching Awards
Admitted as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Nominated for outstanding teaching and outstanding research supervision awards in the UCL Student Choice Teaching Awards
Admitted as Member of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Awarded Chartered Chemist (CChem) status by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Made Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Nominated for four awards at the London Metropolitan University Student-led Teaching Awards.
Invited to represent the Royal Society of Chemistry in the "Voice of the Future 2012" event at the House of Commons.
Made full member of the Senior Common Room of Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford.
Admitted to Royal Society of Chemistry as MRSC.
Prize for best presentation at the Oxford Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Graduate Symposium.
Awarded the Elizabeth J. Harris Graduate Scholarship at St. Hugh's College, University of Oxford.
Laboratory Prize for best final year thesis in Inorganic Chemistry (finished 3rd in the school of 170).
Gibbs Book Prize for final exams (finished 5th out of 170 students in Finals).
Exxon-Mobil Prize for excellent Physical Chemistry practical work.
Received Distinction in first year exams; awarded the Gordon Wharter Scholarship by Pembroke College, University of Oxford.
Grants awarded
"Differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical eutectics". Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ exploration of mechanochemical pharmaceutical eutectic formation”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Accelerated Medicines Design & Development”. Awarded £6,093,845 by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council.
“Nanofibers containing active ingredients from Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of breast cancer”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme [partner: Prof Yu Cai, Jinan University, China]
“Probing nanoscale features of electrospun amorphous solid dispersions” [PI: Dr Mike Cook]. Awarded 1 day of beamtime at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.
“Cyclodextrin based electrospun fibres for taste masking in paediatric medicines applications”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme [PI: Prof Catherine Tuleu; partner: Prof Tamer Uyar, Cornell University, USA].
“Microparticle pre-coating for controlled local delivery of tacrolimus to enable nerve allograft transplantation” [PI: Prof James Phillips]. Awarded £117,877 by the Rosetrees Trust.
“Electrospun fibres as a novel system for oral delivery of bevacizumab to treat colon cancer”. Awarded £71,773 by the Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept and Impact Acceleration funds.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical materials”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ powder X‐ray diffraction studies of mechanochemical methods for the synthesis of palatable paediatric medicines” [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ powder X‐ray diffraction investigations of solvent effects on the mechanochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical cocrystals”. [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of crystallisation from pharmaceutical amorphous solid dispersions ". Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ powder X‐ray diffraction investigations of solvent effects on the mechanochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical cocrystals” [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of complex pharmaceutical formulations” [PI: Dr Asma Buanz]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Preclinical testing of drug-eluting nanofibrous biomaterial NerveWrap to promote nerve regeneration” [PI: Prof James Phillips]. Awarded £71,394 by the Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Fund.
“In situ X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical solids at variable temperatures and high pressures under mechanochemical conditions” [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded £38,213 by the Diamond Light Source Doctoral Student Programme.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical co-crystals". Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry – X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical materials” [PI: Dr Asma Buanz). Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“NerveWrap: Drug-eluting nanofibrous biomaterials to promote nerve regeneration” [PI: Dr James Phillips]. Awarded £20,227 from the UCL EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account.
“Tumour mimetic phantoms for diffusion MRI standardization” [PI: Prof Geoff Parker]. Awarded £50,077 by the NIHR University College Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre.
“Electrospinning bioactive nanofibers for drug release and tissue engineering”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme [partner: Prof Xuimei Mo, Donghua University, China].
"Enabling nerve allografting through local immunosuppression using a drug-eluting biomaterial” [PI: Dr James Phillips]. Awarded £245,568 by the Rosetrees Trust.
“The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies” [co-PI with Dr Snow Stolnik (University of Nottingham) and Prof Anne-Marie Healy (Trinity College Dublin)]. Partnership awarded £6.1M by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and €3.0M from Science Foundation Ireland (UCL component £2.9M).
“The USP Quality Institute Fellowship in the Quality of Medicines”. Awarded $246,759 (£190,605) by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention.
“Induced pluripotent stem cell seeded active osteochondral nanofibrous scaffolds” [Marie Curie RISE grant with 6 EU universities and 7 SMEs]. Consortium awarded €1.1M / £0.9M (UCL component €115,000 / £92,000) by the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical materials”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Solid state protein formulations for the eye”. Awarded £71,553 from the Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Fund.
"Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical materials." Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"Developing a scenario based learning online platform to teach principles, problem solving and data interpretation in chromatography" (PI: Dr Laurence Orlando, Monash University). Awarded £35,500 by the PharmAlliance Education Domain.
"Electrospun nanofibres for water remediation in Sri Lanka”. Awarded £53,802 by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Global Challenges Research Fund.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical materials”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Smart fabrics for healthcare”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society as part of the International Exchanges Scheme [partner: Prof Nalin De Silva, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka].
“Understanding the conversion between Ca sulfate hydrates”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Enhancing vaccine potency using organic-inorganic hybrid polymers”. Awarded £38,687 by the NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre and University College Hospitals Charity under the Fast Track scheme.
“A platform technology for polymer nanocomposites to be used in the environment and drug delivery”. Awarded £3,000 by the British Council, for visiting student Yanshan Gao (Beijing Forestry University) to come to UCL for 12 months.
“Direct measurement of metal-organic framework formation energetics using combined in situ X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Novel LDH-based polymer nanocomposites for controlling drug delivery”. Awarded £5,000 by the Royal Society of Chemistry, for visiting student Yanshan Gao (Beijing Forestry University) to come to UCL for 3 months.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimety - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical transformations”. Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK. [PI: Dr Simon Gaisford].
“An in situ X-ray diffraction study of the crystallisation of perovskites for solar cells”. Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimety - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical transformations”. Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Zero-order drug delivery systems fabricated using tri-axial electrospinning”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society as part of the International Exchanges Programme with the China National Science Foundation [Chinese partner: Prof. Deng-Guang Yu, Shanghai University of Science and Technology].
“New vaccine adjuvants from metal organic frameworks”. Awarded £98,895 by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
"TEH-Tube: Tissue engineering of the right heart outflow tract by a biofunctionalised bioresorbable polymeric valved tube" [joint with Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Cardio3 Biosciences, Statice SAS, Rescoll, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Euram Ltd]. Consortium awarded €4.50M / £3.74M (UCL component €368,466 / £306,626) by the European Commission FP7 programme.
"Temperature induced physical form transitions in pharmaceutical active ingredients". Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"Synthesis and applications of new nanoscale layered double hydroxide materials" [joint with Prof Dermot O'Hare (University of Oxford) and Prof Xue Duan (Beijing University of Chemical Technology)]. Awarded £72,000 by the British Council and China Scholarship Council as part of the Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD Studies.
"Phase transitions in high pseudocapacitive metal carbonate hydroxide films". Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"Time-resolved X-ray diffraction studies of bioinorganic drug delivery systems". Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"In situ X-ray diffraction studies of solid state transformations". Awarded 20 days' beamtime on the DORIS synchrotron at the DESYlab, Hamburg, Germany.
"An investigation of metal urates as vaccine adjuvants". Awarded £2,000 from the Royal Society of Chemistry Research Fund.
"In situ studies of solid state transformations". Awarded 10 days' beamtime on the DORIS synchrotron at the DESYlab, Hamburg, Germany.
"Novel vaccine additives for the 21st century". Awarded £2,000 from the Royal Society of Chemistry Research Fund.
Other professional activity
Conference chair for the 2017 International Conference on Drug Discovery & Development
Guest editor (with Prof Dermot O'Hare) of the 2014 special issue of the journal Pharmaceutics on Layered double hydroxides used in drug delivery
Guest editor (with Dr Ian Blagbrough) for the 2018 special issue of the journal Pharmaceutics on Electrospun and electrosprayed formulations for drug delivery
Guest editor (with Prof Tong Wu, Mr Yuanfei Wang, Prof Tonghe Zhu and Dr Binbin Sun) for 2023 research topic on Advanced Fiber Materials for Controlled Release, Tissue Repair, and Regenerative Medicine in Frontiers in Materials.
Guest editor (with Dr Daniel Correa, Dr Luiza Mercante and Dr Karolina Dziemidowicz) for the 2023 special issue of the journal Polymers on The future potential of electrospun nanofibers for advanced applications
Guest editor (with Dr Kreso Bucar and Dr Oxana Magdysyuk) for the 2023 special issue of the International Journal of Pharmaceutics on Synchrotron and neutron radiation in pharmaceutical science.
Guest editor (with Prof Weiyu Chen and Dr. Lingxiao Zhang) for the 2024 Journal of Nanobiotechnology special collection on Advanced 2D nanomaterials for biomedical applications.
Associate editor, WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology
Editorial board member, Pharmaceutics
Editorial board member, International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Editorial board member, MedComm - Biomaterials and Applications
Editorial board member, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering
Editorial board member, Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry
Editorial board member, Exploration
Specialty Chief Editor for Technological and Methodological Advances in Drug Delivery, Frontiers in Drug Delivery
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cluster Science
Member of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Scientists New Scientists' Focus Group
EPSRC National Crystallography Service Strategy and Allocations Panel member
UK & Ireland Controlled Release Society Committee member
Regular reviewer for a number of international pharmaceutics and chemistry journals
Public engagement
Exhibited at the 13th Schools Science Conference, University of Westminster, London, 2016
Contributed to UCL Bright Club at the Wilmington Arms and Bloomsbury Theatre, 2013 and 2016
"Right place, right time: Targeting drugs effectively for maximum patient benefit." Presentation given as part of the Understanding Science seminar series, Beijing China, 2013
10/2020 - :
Professor of Pharmaceutical Materials Science, UCL School of Pharmacy.
01/2020 - :
Head of Research Department of Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy
08/2019 - :
Faculty Graduate Tutor for Taught Programmes, UCL Faculty of Life Sciences
10/2018 - 09/2020:
Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy.
10/2016 - 09/2018:
Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy.
11/2012 - 09/2016:
Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, UCL School of Pharmacy.
09/2010 - 11/2012 :
Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Science, School of Human Sciences, London Metropolitan University.
09/2009 - 09/2010:
Medical Research Council Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry and Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford.
04/2006 - 09/2009:
Science and Engineering Fast Stream Civil Servant, UK Civil Service.
10/2005 - 04/2006:
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford.
06/2003 - 03/2006:
Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford.
10/2002 - 10/2005:
D.Phil (PhD) in Inorganic Materials Chemistry, University of Oxford. Thesis title: "Cation-ordered layered double hydroxides: formation mechanisms, new materials, and intercalation chemistry".
10/1998 - 07/2002:
M.Chem. (Hons) Chemistry (1st Class), University of Oxford.
Academic and other distinctions
Nominated for exceptional feedback, excellent personal tutoring and active student partnerships awards in the UCL Student Choice Teaching Awards.
Part of team awarded the UCL Rosetrees Stoneygate Prize.
Made Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Admitted as Fellow of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Nominated for brilliant research based education, exceptional feedback and excellent personal tutoring awards in the UCL Student Choice Teaching Awards
Admitted as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Nominated for outstanding teaching and outstanding research supervision awards in the UCL Student Choice Teaching Awards
Admitted as Member of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Awarded Chartered Chemist (CChem) status by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Made Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Nominated for four awards at the London Metropolitan University Student-led Teaching Awards.
Invited to represent the Royal Society of Chemistry in the "Voice of the Future 2012" event at the House of Commons.
Made full member of the Senior Common Room of Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford.
Admitted to Royal Society of Chemistry as MRSC.
Prize for best presentation at the Oxford Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Graduate Symposium.
Awarded the Elizabeth J. Harris Graduate Scholarship at St. Hugh's College, University of Oxford.
Laboratory Prize for best final year thesis in Inorganic Chemistry (finished 3rd in the school of 170).
Gibbs Book Prize for final exams (finished 5th out of 170 students in Finals).
Exxon-Mobil Prize for excellent Physical Chemistry practical work.
Received Distinction in first year exams; awarded the Gordon Wharter Scholarship by Pembroke College, University of Oxford.
Grants awarded
"Differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical eutectics". Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ exploration of mechanochemical pharmaceutical eutectic formation”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Accelerated Medicines Design & Development”. Awarded £6,093,845 by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council.
“Nanofibers containing active ingredients from Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of breast cancer”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme [partner: Prof Yu Cai, Jinan University, China]
“Probing nanoscale features of electrospun amorphous solid dispersions” [PI: Dr Mike Cook]. Awarded 1 day of beamtime at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.
“Cyclodextrin based electrospun fibres for taste masking in paediatric medicines applications”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme [PI: Prof Catherine Tuleu; partner: Prof Tamer Uyar, Cornell University, USA].
“Microparticle pre-coating for controlled local delivery of tacrolimus to enable nerve allograft transplantation” [PI: Prof James Phillips]. Awarded £117,877 by the Rosetrees Trust.
“Electrospun fibres as a novel system for oral delivery of bevacizumab to treat colon cancer”. Awarded £71,773 by the Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept and Impact Acceleration funds.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical materials”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ powder X‐ray diffraction studies of mechanochemical methods for the synthesis of palatable paediatric medicines” [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ powder X‐ray diffraction investigations of solvent effects on the mechanochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical cocrystals”. [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of crystallisation from pharmaceutical amorphous solid dispersions ". Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“In situ powder X‐ray diffraction investigations of solvent effects on the mechanochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical cocrystals” [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of complex pharmaceutical formulations” [PI: Dr Asma Buanz]. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Preclinical testing of drug-eluting nanofibrous biomaterial NerveWrap to promote nerve regeneration” [PI: Prof James Phillips]. Awarded £71,394 by the Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Fund.
“In situ X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical solids at variable temperatures and high pressures under mechanochemical conditions” [PI: Dr Kreso Bucar]. Awarded £38,213 by the Diamond Light Source Doctoral Student Programme.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical co-crystals". Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry – X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical materials” [PI: Dr Asma Buanz). Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“NerveWrap: Drug-eluting nanofibrous biomaterials to promote nerve regeneration” [PI: Dr James Phillips]. Awarded £20,227 from the UCL EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account.
“Tumour mimetic phantoms for diffusion MRI standardization” [PI: Prof Geoff Parker]. Awarded £50,077 by the NIHR University College Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre.
“Electrospinning bioactive nanofibers for drug release and tissue engineering”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme [partner: Prof Xuimei Mo, Donghua University, China].
"Enabling nerve allografting through local immunosuppression using a drug-eluting biomaterial” [PI: Dr James Phillips]. Awarded £245,568 by the Rosetrees Trust.
“The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies” [co-PI with Dr Snow Stolnik (University of Nottingham) and Prof Anne-Marie Healy (Trinity College Dublin)]. Partnership awarded £6.1M by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and €3.0M from Science Foundation Ireland (UCL component £2.9M).
“The USP Quality Institute Fellowship in the Quality of Medicines”. Awarded $246,759 (£190,605) by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention.
“Induced pluripotent stem cell seeded active osteochondral nanofibrous scaffolds” [Marie Curie RISE grant with 6 EU universities and 7 SMEs]. Consortium awarded €1.1M / £0.9M (UCL component €115,000 / £92,000) by the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical materials”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Solid state protein formulations for the eye”. Awarded £71,553 from the Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Fund.
"Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of transformations in pharmaceutical materials." Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"Developing a scenario based learning online platform to teach principles, problem solving and data interpretation in chromatography" (PI: Dr Laurence Orlando, Monash University). Awarded £35,500 by the PharmAlliance Education Domain.
"Electrospun nanofibres for water remediation in Sri Lanka”. Awarded £53,802 by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Global Challenges Research Fund.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical materials”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Smart fabrics for healthcare”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society as part of the International Exchanges Scheme [partner: Prof Nalin De Silva, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka].
“Understanding the conversion between Ca sulfate hydrates”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Enhancing vaccine potency using organic-inorganic hybrid polymers”. Awarded £38,687 by the NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre and University College Hospitals Charity under the Fast Track scheme.
“A platform technology for polymer nanocomposites to be used in the environment and drug delivery”. Awarded £3,000 by the British Council, for visiting student Yanshan Gao (Beijing Forestry University) to come to UCL for 12 months.
“Direct measurement of metal-organic framework formation energetics using combined in situ X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry”. Awarded 3 days’ beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Novel LDH-based polymer nanocomposites for controlling drug delivery”. Awarded £5,000 by the Royal Society of Chemistry, for visiting student Yanshan Gao (Beijing Forestry University) to come to UCL for 3 months.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimety - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical transformations”. Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK. [PI: Dr Simon Gaisford].
“An in situ X-ray diffraction study of the crystallisation of perovskites for solar cells”. Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Simultaneous differential scanning calorimety - X-ray diffraction studies of pharmaceutical transformations”. Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
“Zero-order drug delivery systems fabricated using tri-axial electrospinning”. Awarded £12,000 by the Royal Society as part of the International Exchanges Programme with the China National Science Foundation [Chinese partner: Prof. Deng-Guang Yu, Shanghai University of Science and Technology].
“New vaccine adjuvants from metal organic frameworks”. Awarded £98,895 by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
"TEH-Tube: Tissue engineering of the right heart outflow tract by a biofunctionalised bioresorbable polymeric valved tube" [joint with Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Cardio3 Biosciences, Statice SAS, Rescoll, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Euram Ltd]. Consortium awarded €4.50M / £3.74M (UCL component €368,466 / £306,626) by the European Commission FP7 programme.
"Temperature induced physical form transitions in pharmaceutical active ingredients". Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"Synthesis and applications of new nanoscale layered double hydroxide materials" [joint with Prof Dermot O'Hare (University of Oxford) and Prof Xue Duan (Beijing University of Chemical Technology)]. Awarded £72,000 by the British Council and China Scholarship Council as part of the Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD Studies.
"Phase transitions in high pseudocapacitive metal carbonate hydroxide films". Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"Time-resolved X-ray diffraction studies of bioinorganic drug delivery systems". Awarded 3 days' beamtime at the Diamond Light Source, UK.
"In situ X-ray diffraction studies of solid state transformations". Awarded 20 days' beamtime on the DORIS synchrotron at the DESYlab, Hamburg, Germany.
"An investigation of metal urates as vaccine adjuvants". Awarded £2,000 from the Royal Society of Chemistry Research Fund.
"In situ studies of solid state transformations". Awarded 10 days' beamtime on the DORIS synchrotron at the DESYlab, Hamburg, Germany.
"Novel vaccine additives for the 21st century". Awarded £2,000 from the Royal Society of Chemistry Research Fund.
Other professional activity
Conference chair for the 2017 International Conference on Drug Discovery & Development
Guest editor (with Prof Dermot O'Hare) of the 2014 special issue of the journal Pharmaceutics on Layered double hydroxides used in drug delivery
Guest editor (with Dr Ian Blagbrough) for the 2018 special issue of the journal Pharmaceutics on Electrospun and electrosprayed formulations for drug delivery
Guest editor (with Prof Tong Wu, Mr Yuanfei Wang, Prof Tonghe Zhu and Dr Binbin Sun) for 2023 research topic on Advanced Fiber Materials for Controlled Release, Tissue Repair, and Regenerative Medicine in Frontiers in Materials.
Guest editor (with Dr Daniel Correa, Dr Luiza Mercante and Dr Karolina Dziemidowicz) for the 2023 special issue of the journal Polymers on The future potential of electrospun nanofibers for advanced applications
Guest editor (with Dr Kreso Bucar and Dr Oxana Magdysyuk) for the 2023 special issue of the International Journal of Pharmaceutics on Synchrotron and neutron radiation in pharmaceutical science.
Guest editor (with Prof Weiyu Chen and Dr. Lingxiao Zhang) for the 2024 Journal of Nanobiotechnology special collection on Advanced 2D nanomaterials for biomedical applications.
Associate editor, WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology
Editorial board member, Pharmaceutics
Editorial board member, International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Editorial board member, MedComm - Biomaterials and Applications
Editorial board member, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering
Editorial board member, Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry
Editorial board member, Exploration
Specialty Chief Editor for Technological and Methodological Advances in Drug Delivery, Frontiers in Drug Delivery
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cluster Science
Member of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Scientists New Scientists' Focus Group
EPSRC National Crystallography Service Strategy and Allocations Panel member
UK & Ireland Controlled Release Society Committee member
Regular reviewer for a number of international pharmaceutics and chemistry journals
Public engagement
Exhibited at the 13th Schools Science Conference, University of Westminster, London, 2016
Contributed to UCL Bright Club at the Wilmington Arms and Bloomsbury Theatre, 2013 and 2016
"Right place, right time: Targeting drugs effectively for maximum patient benefit." Presentation given as part of the Understanding Science seminar series, Beijing China, 2013